Watching Your Salt Intake

When my wife started encountering some heart problems, the doctor gave her some information on eating habits. One of the things that he made very clear was about salt intake and placed her on a 2,000 mg limit per day. So she started watching her sodium intake and looking into food facts. Well you would be surprised, but when you do the math, breakfast, lunch and dinner can easily hit 3,500 mg. Just a trip to the local fast food place for lunch can easily hit 1,500 mg or more.

I too started changing my eating habits, using less salt, eating more fish, selected vegetables, chicken and so on. I cut out the salt, the coffee, and stopped eating so much fast food. As the months passed, I started feeling better and having more energy. You'd be surprised how much sodium your taking in, even at a local restaurant. Ask for the nutrition chart, you just might be surprised.

Watch your salt intake, eating habits and live healthier.

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